The Crazy Game

He played more than 300 games in his professional career, but NHL goalie Clint Malarchuk is best remembered for only one – a game that almost killed him. It happened on March 22, 1989, in a game against the St. Louis Blues. Malarchuk, on goal, was sliced on the neck by another player’s errant skate, severing his jugular vein. He survived, just as he later survived depression and a suicide attempt

Inside US Ammunitions Plant That Makes Artillery Shells for Ukraine

For a year now, artillery has played a crucial role in the Ukrainian army’s fight against Russian aggression. The US has already sent over a million shells to Ukraine. Mariia Ulianovska visited the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant where these shells are made.

Ukrainian Dancers Form Ballet Company in Exile

Sixty Ukrainian ballet dancers fled Ukraine to escape Russia’s invasion over the past year. They ended up in the Netherlands, where they continue to dance together.

Скульптура Григорія Сковороди у Вашингтоні історія створення від американського скульптора

Наприкінці минулого століття американський скульптор Марк Роудс створив пам’ятник Григорія Сковороди на прохання місцевої української діаспори. Понад три десятки років пізніше, Український дім у Вашингтоні відсвяткував 300-літній ювілей Григорія Савича відкриттям цієї скульптури перед своїм фасадом.

The Slow Down Barbershop

The Slow Down Barbershop + Lounge was birthed out of the desire to create a space for gentlemen to come and find their place among others who want exceptional service, and an atmosphere that caters specifically to men.